About Us


"Bihar Lahakar Mahasangh" is a non-political social organisation of "LAHERI" Community.
  • Registration No.-222/86-87
  • Listed in EBC list of Govt of Bihar at serial no-121
  • listed in OBC list of Govt of India at serial no. 112


Anyone who is "LAHERI" by caste may register with us
Anyone who is basically LAHERI by caste but known as LAHERA, LAKHERA, LAKSHAKAR or with any other nomenclatue may also register with us.


We shall be dedicated to social, economical, educational upliftment and empowerment of people of our community.
We shall serve unconditionally, not only people from our community but people from other caste and religion also with our utmost capability.
We may take up any program and campaign or may start any services in the interest of social welfare, human resource development, environmental and ecological protection, and preservation of the heritage of India. Above all, we shall promote Harmony, Unity, and Integrity of India.


In case of any information,remarks or comments etc furnished by user found to be incorret or misleading or misrepresenting or mischievous or defamatory, user shall be held liable for it and suitable action.


All disputes are subject to Patna jurisdiction.


  • Association shall not be held liable for correctness of information furnished by users under metrimonial. And association shall not indulge in metrimonial negotiation at any stage.
  • Under Course & Career column informations provided for awareness purpose only, don't mean provide any guarantee that it will work for you.
  • Under Library column material provided are taken from authentic and reputed published sources meant for awareness and knowledge. It has nothing to do with propogation of any ideology or endorsement of any views or ideas. Users are free to make their own opinion.
  • One may agree or disagree with views expressed under Samvaad column.Users may feel free and may send criticism with decency, we shall appreciate.
  • Under recommended services column information provided are of known and reputed services on the basis of our knowledge and experience for your convenience not for promotion.